
Only in Texas - Man Sues Moto Dealership for...Front Break (ab)Use?

Yep. it's true and I bet you have already heard something of this story. I am a native of Texas - I grew up there - so I do know something of the state. This is not all that surprising simply because it seems that most Texans - including yours truly - are hard-headed people. I hope I'm not generalizing too much for you; and, this is not restricted to any specific sub-culture within the Republic. This guy, though, I can only accuse of ignorance, not stupidity. He simply should have taken the class and he would be just fine today...d'oh!


NOTE: I must credit the link and discovery of this story to a fellow Team Oregon Instructor; I will not mention the name only to protect him from being associated with me - we all know how that connection can hurt your future fortunes.