
More Morning Moto News - MCI Celebrates 100 Years & MotoGP Rookies Cup

The Motor Cycle Industry is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and they are letting it be known that motorcycling provides some 3 billion British Pounds in added value to the UK. Of course, they plan on keeping up their best work and improving on other programs with the main goal to protect, promote and expand the motorcycle industry in the United Kingdom. Give them a hand by taking the link and getting more detail on what is planned this year!


The Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup has started to accept applications now for the 2010 selection season (for competition in the Cup in 2011). If you are young enough or know someone who is - get them to head on over and fill out an application for the series. Of course, there are expenses to worry about, but a chance at becoming a World Champion motorcycle racer is worth a great deal to a great many people. Take the link and get your details!
