
More Afternoon Moto News - Benelli 2 TechnoTracker & Avon Tires

A new concept motorcycle from the mind of Oberdan Bezzi has come to light. He has designed a Benelli flat-track motorcycle which he calls the Benelli 2 TechnoTracker. It is based on the as yet unreleased Benelli 2ue 756 naked streetbike, and Bezzi expects his design would be competitive in the AMA flat track racing events. We have to get the new bike out of Benelli first, but it sure looks good to me!


The US side of the Avon Tyres company has released a new website. It offers company news, technical details and more! It will also have information on motorcycle events, featured builders, contests and testimonials from Avon users. The website is most useful for researching Avon products, as you might expect, and has some of the best technical details of any tire website on the Internet! Check it out for yourself.
