
Willy Neutkens' Extensive BMW Collection Now 100% Sold

Bonhams handled the auction - and it is good that they did as the bidding was frantic and there were interested parties from all over the world. The original estimate for the total value of the sale was at €590,000 (US$884,145); in the end, though, it turned out to be a €1,038,400 (US$1,556,094) auction - almost double the estimate. Neutken's collection was vast and included just about every important model of BMW since the marque was born. Now it is all in the hands of some very satisfied buyers...the sour economy is not holding everyone back, some are doing just fine. You have to take the link as there is just too much information for me to post it all here...



Even more information - and a picture! http://tinyurl.com/yaoec3s